Friday, June 24, 2011

Old Australasian Posts at the "Bookhouse"

From St Kilda Today 2


Julie said...

When I was a kid (late 50s), once a month, on a Monday arvo, my father used to bring this magazine home in the cab of his truck. I can remember sitting in the cab, too absorbed to even get out. It was only years later that I reealised how poor the magazine really was. It was my life-line to the written word. That plus a 1901 version of Webster's Dictionary, and an agricultural machinery catalogue.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Looks like riveting reading hey Michael.. Great in black and white!!

Anonymous said...

That guy looks like the fella who played Lyn's husband in't rememver the actor's name, but.

Sue, UK

Unknown said...

Looking good in monochrome. That looks like American comedian Rich Hall.

Anonymous said...

@Sue, UK.

It is.

Alan said...

Great portrait. So much to admire in this shot.

Anonymous said...

sue, UK - Mark Little aka Joe Mangel? He also looked like the actor who played Lyns first husband so could be either of them ;-)